The Game

A script file states that the game would've started off with Pac-Man staying at the ghosts' house, as he has sort of befriended them, until a robot looks through the window and shoots the ghosts with a "ray of evil." As a result, the ghosts would have gone bad and Pac-Man would need to reverse the effects in case it would spread over to other people, while eating robots along the way. There would've been 8 worlds, with 4 regular levels and 1 boss level each in the first seven, with the final world just being a single regular level and one boss level. The worlds would be in order: Pancake Plateau, Juicy Jungle, Sipping Swamp, Meaty Mineshafts, Waffle Winters, Saucy Skies, Radish Ruins, and last but not least, the last one's titled Final World. The world id for the Final World is actually Fruitcake Flawlessness, thus giving it an alternative name to go along with the pattern.

Pancake Plateau introduced the player to how the game works, and its boss was supposed to be the robot from earlier. Juicy Jungle introduced a few new mechanics, like swinging vines, the appropriately named Pineapple Gun (which shot out pineapple bombs), and had a robot monkey boss swinging from vines and dropping coconuts. Sipping Swamp begun using the swimming mechanic, and its boss was a pirate pirhanna robot. Meaty Mineshafts introduced minecarts that went off the rails (literally) and had you driving around like in Mario Kart, with a miner mole robot as the boss, using the minecart mechanic. Waffle Winters would've had snowballs that you could roll into, and the giant snowman robot would attack you throughout some of the levels and was the boss. Saucy Skies introduced pudding wings, which allowed you to fly AND shoot pudding. Its boss was not in the game, or the script, unlike all of these. Radish Ruins held a section where you would escape a lava avalanche and had switches, with a rock robot boss, and the Final World put in all of these mechanics to use using its time travel portal, as it was like a set of trials. The final boss might've been a robot overlord, but nobody is sure on what it exactly would be.

COPE had found an old USB containing a build with the script file. Apparently, the game was being ran on the Powerpac Engine, which would only be used for this game specifically. The build came with the game engine, so after a bit of digging through the file directories in Powerpac, the script was eventually discovered. Currently, COPE is in possession of the USB for now. As for the build itself, co-leader BYeself stated that it was somewhat playable, with a whole bunch of bugs and glitches. He did state that the glitches were fun to pull off, though, due to "perfect speedrun strats", possibly talking about a move that would make Pac-Man bounce around to gain speed both vertically and horizontally.